6/12 R.I.P Lilian Löff

When we lose someone we all get through 6 steps. Some whould say that it just 5 steps but they forget the first one Denal... We don't want to accept what's happend and when someone die we don't want to belive it before we have been at the funeral.  We hope that it's just a joke or something. It's the same when we are braking up with the person we love or just losng a friend.

The second one is anger... We can't see clear not even be happy fot the smallest things that happening in life at that time. just sitting and staring in to the wall and don't say anything, or we scream out everything that we feel. And when we do that, we hurt the people arpund us, but we don't mean it.

Third is Fear... we ger scared to be alone and feel alone even when we have a thousand people around us that's trying to help. We can't see it because we get blind by the missingthing in our heart and soul. Don't turn down the help when someone is asking, take it and try to listen.

Fourth Quilt... The part when we think "what could I do to make it better". We accuse us self. That it's our fault that it happend. And when someone say the defrent you don't listen or say al the things you did wrong and diden't say. That maybe had make everything better.

Five.. Depression. This part is mayby one off the hardes't things to move on from. Everthing is bad no one understand what you are going through. But thatäs not tru.. When we are 16-20 almost everyone knows how it feel to get there heart broken. Not everyone knows what you feel when someone die. But thay can understand how it feel to lose a person that you love forever. When you brake upwith a gay or a girl will thay alwaysbe there the naxt day and the day agter that.

sixth and the last acceptance. When we finally are leting everything go. people can sometimes say that thay have moved on, but it's not alwase the tru. The tru is that almost everybody lay at this step. not to friends and family. We lay yo our self. We don't alwase know it before it's to late. 

People have there own way to try to move on, but we al knows how is feel so don't be afread to ask for help or just a shoulder to cry on. The smallest thing's can alsow be the things that help us to move on and be us self again.

We hate to be lonely. Afride on what's going to happen and to get through it al and not have the person by your side anymore.

Think off this six steps and you will see that you alsow have used it at least one time before.

1. Denal            ( Förnekelse )

2. Anger            ( ilska )             

3. Fear
( rädsla )

4. Quilt              ( Skuld )

5. Depression   (Sorg )

6. Acceptance   (Accepterande)

Move on and try to be happy for a change.


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